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Well drilling business sees uptick in demand as more resident seek water options

With a near three-month backlog, an Aransas Pass business says the drought restrictions are pushing people to find alternatives.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Water restrictions are still in place across the Coastal Bend as drought conditions worsen across the state. It's driving many people to look for private access to water.

"Our backlog is a mile long," said Michael Deyo, the owner of Mike's Drilling Services.

Deyo has been in the well-business for over 30 years. He said the last time they saw this many calls for service was during the last severe drought in 2011.

"A year ago we were behind about two weeks and now we're 60-to-90 days, I don't even really know how far we're behind," Deyo said.

There are areas like Aransas County, where many residents already rely on well-water as they don't have access to city water.

"Everybody wants to water their grass," Deyo said. "Everybody also wants to flush the toilet. In the heat, people water and put more work on their pumps and then you get a constant problem with wells going down."

These kind of calls are the 'service calls' that are keeping them busy. But, aside from that, they're now seeing a surge in new customers wanting private access to water.

"At the moment I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel. This area is growing, a lot of houses are going up and they need water," Deyo said.

The demand has his team working around the clock.

"We try as hard as we can to take care of everybody and we just, I mean, we're working long hours, Saturday, Sundays, seven days a week; we're out there in the field," Deyo said.

He said he knows it's an issue happening across the state as drought conditions push people to find ways to access more water, but he wants our local communities to stay patient.

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